What you can do to help the environment

The following environment-friendly actions are easy to implement and help save our planet's resources.

Conserve energy

Please be careful when using chargers for telephones, cameras, and computers. Chargers that are not in use, but are left plugged in, consume large amounts of electricity and can cause fires. Please turn down your heating if you sleep with the windows open or if you leave them open while you are out. Avoid leaving your television or computer in stand-by mode. Did you know that 90% of energy used by this type of equipment is consumed in stand-by mode? Always turn off the lights when you leave your room or the bathroom.

Recycle plastic, cans, and paper

Sort your waste and dispose of it in the appropriate bin. Plastic bottles, cans, paper, and cardboard all go in the same bin.

Recycle glass and old batteries

Leave your glass bottles (wine, beer, etc.) next to your bin. Our housekeeping staff will collect them for recycling.

A bowl for collecting used batteries is provided at the reception desk.

Bike it

Paris has developped the Velib project: take a bike from any Velib station and then return it at another Velib station. It's easy and cheap! (5€ for a Velib ticket valid 24h.) It's also a good way to discover Paris! www.velib.fr

Go by foot

Paris is relatively small in comparison to other major capitals. A lot of ground can be covered, making it a great way to sightsee!

Use public transport

Metro, Bus, Noctambus, RER (train), Trams...there is almost always some means of public transport to get you where you want to go. www.ratp.fr

Purchase organic/environmentally friendly products

Look for the eco-label, a label created by French pioneers in organic agriculture. The organic agriculture label (Logo AB), recognised by the Ministry of Agriculture, sets precise specifications establishing rules for certification, including refraining from the use of chemical products.

Conserve water

Choose showers over baths. Showers result in a relative water saving of 5 times: an average shower consumes 50 L of water compared with 250 L for a bath.

Don't leave the water running while you brush your teeth, shave, or wash your face and hands. Minimizing your water use can save 24 L of water each day.

Towels don't necessarily require daily washing. Please consider not asking us to change your towels every day.

Established in 1991, the NF-Environment brand is a French eco-label. The NF-Environment brand aims to guide consumer choice by encouraging companies to improve the environmentally friendly quality of their products. The NF-Environment brand certifies products that have a lower impact on the environment.

From organic crops to the end product, all components of the textile chain address social and environmental standards. All of these products are validated by independent organisations. The BioRe® label was established by the Swiss company Remei AG.

All products bearing the "Fleur" have been approved by independent bodies for their compliance with strict environmental criteria and rigorous performance standards. These criteria take into account the entire product life cycle, from production to disposal.